We are in that on again off again season, where we shift between winter and spring continually and everyone seems to come down with bugs. I hope this isn't the case for you - personally or computer wise!!
Classes are continuing on at Stoke School and I have enjoyed receiving emails and attachments from families during their sessions.
Stepping UP for CiH Families
For those of you looking to extend your skills further, after Computers in Homes training we have a programme called 'Stepping UP'. It is a topic based approach with 17 modules to choose from. Computers in Homes families can select up to four topics they are interested in and receive the training at no cost to themselves. Talk to your tutor about this.Stepping UP in Libraries
We are also collaborating with libraries to offer revised and reduced Stepping UP modules to the general public. Marlborough District Libraries trialled this last term with great success. Now we are able to offer Stepping UP in other libraries across our Nelson/ Marlborough region.Classes will be held in Marlborough at:-
- - Marlborough District Libraries in Blenheim and
- - Picton Library and Service Centre in Picton
Classes will be held in Nelson at:-
- - Tasman District Library in Richmond and
- - Nelson Public Libraries in Nelson
Please check out the options for this training on our website Stepping UP. These are free classes and available to everyone, so please spread the word and take advantage of this opportunity.
Wishing you healthy times and a bucketful of spring flowers.
PS Watch this space - we hope to offer a Tips section in our blog in the near future, thanks to our wonderful Nelson technician, Tim!!