1 September 2015

Tahunanui School Graduation on PhotoPeach

Computers head home with Tahunanui Families

Ten families from Tahunanui School have
successfully completed their 20 hours training
with the Computers in Homes programme
and have celebrated their success with family, teachers,
guests and members of the Board of Trustees at their
Graduation on 19th August.
And of course the exciting part is taking the computers home
after Graduation and getting them set up. 

Heading away with the computers!! Yippee!

   At Graduation, Georgia
   shared her impressions of
   the training and the 
   impact having a computer
   at home will have for her
Technical Support - Nathan Green

   Hopefully by the end of this
   week all the internet connections
   will be complete.

A big thank you to Principal Barbara Bowen for hosting Computers in Homes, and to Deputy Principal Ian Lambie for taking on the tutoring role.  Welcome also to Nathan Green, technical support for these families.